How to Live Creatively Through the Divine Feminine: Tao Te Ching verse 6

The Divine Feminine: Tao Te Ching verse 6 week 8 Saturday Morning Mastermind


Tap into the Divine Feminine to live a more creative and inspired life.

The Sixth verse of the Tao Te Ching speaks to Living Creatively through the Divine Feminine. It reminds us of the Immense and Inexhaustible Creative energy that the Divine Feminine holds and that we can tap into it whenever we like.

There is a space within us, that if explored deeply enough, will reveal unlimited creativity! Look around at Mother Nature. She is ever Abundant, always birthing the most Amazing creations!

We can be just like her when we take the time to stop and listen. Without the mind chatter and incessant need to “make things happen”, if we can just relax and step into that flow of creative energy, it will reveal our most unique and one of a kind abilities, allowing us to embrace the very reason we exist.

 “Be creative— in your thoughts, in your feelings, and in all of your actions. Apply your own uniqueness to everything you undertake”
~ Wayne dyer

You don’t have to be a woman to connect with the Divine Feminine

Whether our bodies or genders are male or female, we All have the Divine Feminine within us. She speaks softly. You must get quiet to hear her sometimes, but she’s always there. Trust her.

Stop trying to direct and control everything in your life with your mind and just relax into the loving embrace of the Mother. Just as a loving Mother cherishes every little nuance of her newborn child and watches adoringly as they grow and learn, so should we cherish ourselves in all our uniqueness! We are literally “one of a kind” Co-Creating miracle machines!

From the great 14th century Sufi poet Hafiz…

“Just sit there right now Don’t do a thing Just rest. For your separation from God, From love, Is the hardest work In this World.”

Connect to the Divine Feminine and life flows with ease

No truer words could ever be spoken. When we divide ourselves and separate from each other, God and Love, life becomes as trying and painful as walking through a brier patch. However, when we allow Spirit to guide us, it’s as if our Fairy Godmother appears. Life flows easily and wishes are granted before we even knew we had them! Suddenly things just show up!

How many times have found yourself completely overwhelmed with frustration, banging your head so to speak, because you decided a certain path was “the way” and without introspection started bulldozing your way down it only to meet obstacle after obstacle?

We are all so determined to be independent, productive and successful that we forget to stop and ask for guidance. Only in our hour of complete exhaustion and despair do we cry out asking for help… Then, in that moment of surrender, we hear that soft, still voice encouraging us, taking our hand, and showing us the way.

“Whatever you feel within you as your calling— whatever makes you feel alive— know in your heart that this excitement is all the evidence you need to have your inner passion become reality. This is precisely how creation works . . . and it’s that energy that harmonizes with the Tao.” ~Wayne Dyer

The Divine Feminine helps you share your passion with the world

What makes your Heart Sing? We have all been given Amazing Gifts. Gifts that we were meant to share with the world. What is that one thing that you always wanted to do? What makes you jump out of bed in the morning with Excitement or keeps you up into the middle of night because you lose track of time and are enjoying yourself so much?

What is the thing that you would do whether you got paid or not? Do that thing! Ask the Divine Feminine to show you how to Co-Create that thing in your life and listen… then, find a way to use it to Serve others and you will become Unstoppable!

“You can feel this in your life: Events will take on a perfect momentum, a glorious cadence. You can feel it in your body: The energy will rise up in you in a thrilling crescendo, setting your very nerves aglow. You can feel it in your spirit: You will enter a state of such perfect grace that you will resound over the landscape of reality like ephemeral bird song. When Tao comes to you in this way, ride it for all that you are worth. Don’t interfere. Don’t stop. . . . Don’t try to direct it. Let it flow and follow it. . . . As long as the song lasts, follow. Just follow.”  Deng Ming-Dao’s 365 Tao: Daily Meditations

The Divine Feminine is the source of peace and tranquility in your life

The Divine Feminine sings our song every day like a soothing lullaby, lulling us into a state of peace and comfort. Nestled safely in her arms, we can completely relax in the knowing that We are Loved, We are Enough, We are Perfect because of every Imperfection.

We are special and unique amongst Infinite Souls… like a single snowflake in the middle of a blizzard… our very own vibrational “Signature” adding what no one else can. Rest in that knowing and surrender… let it flow… just follow.

What do you think? Please share in the comment section below.

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This is week 8 of our Saturday Morning Mastermind study of “Change your thoughts Change your life” by Wayne Dyer

Read Chapter 6 – Living Creatively

Then Meet us here for a LIVE discussion February 6th at 10am EST


Read the verse and chapter 6 of Change Your Thoughts, Change your life then tell us what you think the Tao Te Ching is trying to teach us about connecting to the divine feminine.
the divine feminine

Tell us what YOU think.

Here’s some questions to get you started.

  1. What do you think the Tao is trying to tell us in this verse?
  2. Why do you think Lao Tzu refers to the spirit that never dies as the mysterious feminine?
  3. Why do you think Wayne Dyer refers to the divine feminine as a creative energy?
  4. What do you think is meant by ‘she brings us to our own perfection’?