Are you playing your part? Tao Te Ching verse 39


Are you playing your part?

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast Sept 24th 2016: This week’s topic: Living Wholeness Chapter 39 of “Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao” by Wayne Dyer
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How do you know if you are living in accordance with the Tao?

When something you disagree with happens in your life, should you be taking some sort of action to prevent or change it or should you just allow it knowing that the universe is perfect exactly how it’s playing out?

Watch this mastermind to see what we think about this question then share your thoughts in the comment section too!


playing your partWant to discuss these verses with us LIVE? Join us next Saturday Oct 1st at 10am EST, 7am PT for week 42 of our Saturday Morning Mastermind study of “Change your thoughts, change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao” by Wayne Dyer
We’ll be discussing Chapter 40: Tao Te Ching verse 40
Go here for details on how to join our LIVE ZoomCast

Hope to see you there!!!

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