How to nurture the greatness in you

Greatness in you: Tao Te Ching verse 25 week 27 Saturday Morning Mastermind


Learn how to nurture the greatness in you…

Meet us here for the Saturday Morning Mastermind LIVE broadcast
June 18th at 10am EST – This week’s topic: How to nurture the greatness in you
 Chapter 25 of “Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao” by Wayne Dyer

Many say Verse 25 of the Tao Te Ching is the most important of all the verses, for only YOU can choose whether to nurture the greatness in you or not.

Recognize opportunities to nurture the greatness in you

As Always, this was perfect timing for me to get this week’s verse! I have been given this lesson several times this week. People wanting to argue, which I normally do not engage in but this week I guess I needed to stand in my Power or something because I haven’t been pulling any punches! LOL

I am glad to have a backbone again but, there was definitely an incident where I took it a bit too far and regretted saying some of the things I said.

I wasn’t living from my inner Greatness. It felt bad in my heart.

I am primarily a Peaceful person but when it comes to my family, kids, friends, animals, things that I love, I can be a Mama Bear!!! My business team definitely qualifies!

So when someone attacked my business, instead of just blowing it off, I ROARED LOL and then regretted it. On my behalf, I started out very civil and patient but as he kept on I felt disrespected and lost it. It was unprofessional and certainly did not serve any purpose other than to set a strong boundary that could have been set in a much softer and non-confrontational way.

Nurture the greatness in you by surrendering your ego

Sometimes it is difficult to surrender the ego, especially when you feel you are being “trolled”
You know those people that show up on your page only to “correct” you or take the opposing opinion, literally just to start an argument. It’s so hard not to engage sometimes! LOL

Not even two days later, another situation arose. Emotions were a bit high regarding the subject matter to begin with and then I felt like I was being Trolled. After a few exchanges of banter, I realized I was back in the same situation. I remembered how much I regretted my reaction in the other situation and that I had a choice. I could keep arguing with someone who obviously had no intention of giving in or I could just Thank him and go back to my Bliss.

I chose Bliss. 🙂 It felt Good in my Heart <3

Wayne’s reminder about the greatness in you…

“You are not this body you occupy, which is temporary and on its way back to the nowhere from which it came. You are pure greatness . . . precisely the very same greatness that creates all of life. Keep this thought uppermost in your mind and you’ll attract to yourself these same powers of creation: The right people will appear. The exact events that you desire will transpire. The financing will show up. That’s because greatness attracts more of its own self to itself, just as thoughts of inadequacy act upon a belief that ensures that deficiency will become your reality. Affirm the following to yourself over and over until it becomes your automatic inner response to the world: I come from greatness. I attract greatness. I am greatness.”

Obviously I wasn’t being or attracting greatness initially, but I did choose it in the end. It wasn’t as hard as I thought. I’m sure you have had plenty of situations to nurture the greatness in you. Maybe not exactly, but where you had a choice of taking the high road or the low road.

Nurture the greatness in you by choosing battles wisely.

What is it Dr. Phil used to say?

Do you want to be right? or do you want to be married, friends, employed, etc.?

Not to say we should always give in, but as I have gotten older I have definitely learned to pick my battles. Most just really aren’t worth fighting for. If we Truly want Peace in the World WE must be willing to lay down our swords.


greatness in youJoin us this Saturday June 18th at 10am EST, 7am PT for week 27 of our Saturday Morning Mastermind study of “Change your thoughts, change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao” by Wayne Dyer

We’ll be discussing Chapter 25: Living From Greatness

Need a copy of the book? Get one for as little as $6.95 plus s&h by visiting this link *
*when you purchase the book through our link Powells book store will pay us a small commission for referring you. You’ll be supporting the Saturday Morning Mastermind and Mindset Mastery Collective. Thank You!

What are some situations in your life where you either stood your ground or decided to save your strength for another day? Tell us of a time when you nurtured the greatness in you!