The Only Constant is Change

The only constant is change: Tao Te Ching verse 16 week 18 Saturday Morning Mastermind

Meet us here for the Saturday Morning Mastermind LIVE broadcast
April 16th at 10am EST
This week’s topic: Chapter 16 of “Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao” by Wayne Dyer

The Only Constant is Change

I am personally wow-ed as I read this commentary from Wayne Dyer, because just a couple hours prior I said this phrase, “the only constant is change”, to a friend of mine who was a bit sad about a friend moving out of town.

And I’ve said “this too shall pass” at least a half dozen times over the past week. The timing of writing the blog for this verse feels quite synchronistic for me.

“This too shall pass” is a phrase I’ve carried with me for many years, and one I’ve said to myself often during difficult times. And I share with others when I feel they may be stuck in a cycle of thought or emotion that isn’t necessarily helping them and that perhaps they need to release and move on, so that they can start anew. It really lifts the weight of the world when you feel this phrase, not just say it, but really feel it.

I think we can all look back at many examples in our own lives where something that seemed like the end of the world at the time, may now be something that brought a happy new beginning, or at least the intense initial emotion is way on the other side of the scale of what it used to be. We know that we can get through difficult times when we look over our lives.

And somehow we often want things to stay the same in our lives, it brings a kind of comfort, even though we know truly the only constant is change. When we can really be with that, then we can find comfort in that, because that really brings us back to the source of all.

Beginnings and Endings

I have to say I’ve been thinking about death a lot lately, it’s almost like I never really thought about it in the way I have been lately, perhaps a shift as I’ve entered a new decade of my life, perhaps from the transition of feeling the invincibility of youth to feeling the definiteness that we must all pass on.

But not just how it’s something that is going to happen to everyone, but how it is just an ending and beginning, and how I feel that my personal beliefs help me to not have a fear of death, and to be able to truly feel that those that have passed in my life, I will see again, in another form, in another energy, another space.

And when I pass, I want others to know that too. And that it’s just another beginning and ending. Or as Wayne so perfectly states, “the temporary container you call your body and all of its dramas. This too shall pass… you can count on it!”

I’m also reminded of the phrase, “when one door closes, another opens”, another great one to remind us that with each ending is a beginning.

The phrases mentioned here, including “the only constant is change”, have been soothers after breakups, job loss, death, attachments, heavy emotions. I think they are phrases that we may hear often, and maybe sometimes can be said almost cliché or in passing, but when said to ourselves or to another with care and love, these simple words can soothe and comfort.

They help us all to remember that painful and difficult endings very often bring brighter beginnings, and that they happen to all of us. To remember to trust the cycle, the wave, this constant wave. It’s not a flat valley or a flat mountain top, it’s always a wave.

“The constancy of the cycles of life is an opportunity to return to your root, where what is and what is to be are located…
A sense of inner peace comes with returning to the Source, where all cycles begin and end.”

Return to the Source… the ultimate constant.

We encourage you to join our Saturday morning hangout to discuss more on this concept. 

This is week 18 of our Saturday Morning Mastermind study of “Change your thoughts Change your life” by Wayne Dyer

Need a copy of the book? Get one for as little as $6.95 plus s&h by visiting this link *
*when you purchase the book through our link Powells book store will pay us a small commission for referring you. You’ll be supporting the Saturday Morning Mastermind and Mindset Mastery Collective. Thank You!

Read Chapter 16 – Living with Constancy

Then Meet us here for a LIVE discussion April 16th at 10am EST

the only constant is change

If you got value from this post, share it with your friends. In the meantime, tell us a how YOU deal with difficult changes and what you think of this concept – the only constant is change