Embracing Oneness…are You in Harmony with the Tao?

Oneness: Tao Te Ching verse 10 week 12 Saturday Morning Mastermind


Embracing Oneness

Welcome!! This week we will be discussing oneness and the 10th verse of The Tao Te Ching in Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book, “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao.

These ancient words remind us to walk daily with the Tao. It points out that we are both body and spirit and although they seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum, it is the union of the two which brings balance. Each of us must discover through self inquiry how to be in the world without being of it.

Oneness: Carrying Body and Soul and Embracing the One, can you avoid separation?

Do you recognize and honor both your body and your soul? As you interact with “others” can you see that they are only extensions of you? Can you see how they reflect your own truths back to you?

When you find yourself blaming, being angry, frustrated and disappointed, write these things down and do self-inquiry. You may find those emotions were only there to remind you of the things that still must be healed within yourself.

Welcome oneness and be Kind to yourself. Take care of both your body and your spirit. When we lean too far either way and neglect the other we find suffering rather than Joy.

Oneness and your body: Can you let your Body become as Supple as a Newborn Child’s?

What do you believe about your body? Do you believe that as you age you will have more aches and pains, be stiff and slow down? Can you release those thoughts?

Probably not, especially after a bit of extra activity that leaves you sore for days! LOL You may not be able to prevent the thoughts. (Have you noticed that thoughts seem to come from nowhere?) But, you don’t have to believe them!

At least keep your “mind” young and active and if you do, you might find that your body follows. If it doesn’t, you won’t mind as much if you relax into the knowing that it’s All Perfect!

Imagine if a tree grieved for every leaf lost in the fall? Nature knows there are seasons, cycles of activity, of rest, creation and destruction…birth and death…it is just the way of life.

I think this line also speaks to being “Supple” in our thinking. Through the years we tend to get pretty rigid with our thoughts, beliefs and habits.

Are you open to learning new things? Expanding your horizons? Are you willing to see the world through the innocent eyes of a child without all your preconceived notions and opinions, or is your mind arthritic?


Oneness and being open: In the opening and shutting of heaven’s gate, can you play the feminine part?

Are you pushing your way through life or are you open to RECEIVING from the Universe? Sometimes we get so caught up with MAKING it happen NOW that we get impatient and frustrated with things.

Stop bucking reality! Use it as a cue to remember how perfect Spirits timing is for us! When you don’t know what to do, you don’t have to figure it out, just ask God, Spirit, Creator, The Universe, The Ethers, whatever you want to call it. Ask and open yourself, quiet your mind, and wait in the silence for the answer.

Oneness and leadership:Can you Love your People and govern your domain without self-importance?

This is a tricky one sometimes! Ego wants to slip in there when you start being “Successful” as an entrepreneur! I have seen many elevate themselves above their team to the point that they drive them away. Donna, here is your Humpty Dumpty story! When Ego gets out of control you can almost predict that there is a bumpy fall on its way!

God has a way of humbling us if we don’t do it ourselves. LOL When you reach “Success” remember, you didn’t get there on your own, be Grateful for the boundless generosity of the Universe who put every thing you needed within your reach. You might have to stretch for it but notice how Grace is Always present when you need it.

Oneness and letting go:Giving birth and nourishing; having yet not possessing; working yet not taking credit; leading without controlling or dominating.

When you give birth to something, an idea, a project or yes even a child, do you feel as if you “own” it? That you should have control over it or do you see it as its own entity? I think this is especially difficult as a parent. Children may seem like wee things but they are actually Co-Creators just like you and their will can be even stronger! Anyone who has been around a 3 year old or a 16 year old can testify! LOL

But truly it is heart breaking to see your child going through pain or tough challenges and not want to fix it for them. It is easy to think that with our “Wisdom” we know what if best for them…and God forbid they don’t take our advice and things go South, they may never hear the end of how we “saved” them again! Even with the best intent, these are all manipulations and forms of control. Children teach us as much as we do them if we are open to the lessons. We are two Masters agreeing to teach and learn from one another.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of yourself or celebrating your accomplishments. Please do! But I’m sure that many reading this have experienced what its like to be “reminded” of every thing someone has ever done for you. LOL

I don’t own a tv anymore but I remember many comedy series with the classic “Mom or Grandma” that plays this role perfectly! She will give you the shirt off of her back but you are going to hear about it for the rest of your life! LOL

Being of service to another is reward enough in itself without acclamation.

Oneness and the Tao: One who heeds this power brings the Tao to this very earth. This is the primal virtue.

Maintain that Spirit/Body balance, be the Observer, and realize that your judgement against others is your personal care plan on what needs to be healed within You. Create and Love without controlling. You are shining Your Light so Bright others WILL follow you. The Primal Virtue is Unconditional Love. Remember, YOU deserve your Love, Patience and Compassion as much as anyone else, so don’t beat yourself up for not measuring up to your (or someone else’s) expectations.

Thoughts arise…stuff happens…we react…we’re human…it’s ok! Just don’t let a bad moment turn into a bad day or a bad week. Self inquiry and Self Love will relieve the Suffering if you follow it to the Truth.

The old saying, “The Truth will set you Free” is absolutely true! We CAN experience Heaven on Earth when we take the time to heal ourselves, rejoice in the Beauty that surrounds us, and be in a state of Gratitude for it all, no matter how life shows up. It’s All GOoD!

Always be Open to Grace <3

Over to you. What do you think this verse is telling us?

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This is week 12 of our Saturday Morning Mastermind study of “Change your thoughts Change your life” by Wayne Dyer

Read Chapter 10 – Living Oneness

Then Meet us here for a LIVE discussion March 5th at 10am EST


Read the verse and chapter 10 of Change Your Thoughts, Change your life then tell us what you think the Tao Te Ching is trying to teach us about living in oneness.
