Change your thoughts change your life

How to Let Go: Tao Te Ching verse 55

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast February 4th 2017: This week's topic: Living by letting go Chapter 55 of "Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the...

How to know your life truly has meaning:Tao Te Ching verse 54

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast Jan 28th 2017: This week's topic: Living as if your life makes a difference Chapter 54 of "Change your thoughts, Change...

Why you should see all of creation as yourself: Tao Te Ching verse 53

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast Jan 21st 2017: This week's topic: Living Honorably Chapter 53 of "Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of...

How is just ‘BEing’ better than ‘trying’? Tao Te Ching verse 47

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast Dec 3rd 2016: This week's topic: Living by being Chapter 47 of "Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of...

Living Softly: Tao Te Ching verse 43

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast Oct 29 2016: This week's topic: Living Softly Chapter 43 of "Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the...

Living by melting into harmony: Tao Te Ching verse 42

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast Oct 22 2016: This week's topic: Living by melting into harmony Chapter 42 of "Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the...

Why you should become a scholar of the Tao: Tao Te Ching verse 41

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast Oct 15th 2016: This week's topic: Living beyond appearances Chapter 41 of "Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the...

How to shed the crazy demands of your ego and live a more spiritual life. Tao Te Ching Verse 40

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast Oct 8th 2016: This week's topic: Returning and Yeilding Chapter 40 of "Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of...

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How to Let Go: Tao Te Ching verse 55

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast February 4th 2017: This week's topic: Living by letting go Chapter 55 of "Change your thoughts,...

How to know your life truly has meaning:Tao Te Ching verse 54

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast Jan 28th 2017: This week's topic: Living as if your life makes a difference Chapter 54...

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Why you should culitivate awareness of your infinite self

Connect with your infinite self In chapter 4 of Change...

Jason Roberts

Born in St. Petersburg Florida. I grew up playing...
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How to Let Go: Tao Te Ching verse 55

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast February 4th 2017: This week's...

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