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Why is it important to embrace the paradox of life? According to Wayne Dyer in Chapter 2 of Change your thoughts, change your life, he suggests that by embracing the paradox of life, you open yourself up to a more peaceful...
What is the Tao Te Ching? The Tao Te Ching has been described as a book of wisdom. It's been translated more than any other book in the world other than the Bible.  It's considered by many to be a foundational discussion on...
Change your thoughts change your life by Wayne Dyer - Living the wisdom of the Tao Saturday Morning Mastermind: Week 1 Meet us here for a LIVE discussion Dec 5th at 10am EST This week we're beginning a new book "Change your thoughts...
What to say when you talk to yourself by Shad Helmstetter. This series is our weekly mastermind discussion where we talk about each chapter of the book What to say when you talk to yourself. We discuss each chapter, the most important lessons...
Meet us here for a LIVE discussion Nov 14th at 10am EST Where we'll continue our discussion of What to Say when you talk to yourself by Shad Helmstetter with chapter 23 "To change or not to Change" Need a copy...
How to talk to yourself to improve your everyday life If you want to improve your life, talking to yourself in a positive way is key. How you talk to yourself in everyday situations will determine how you perceive and...
Motivate yourself:How to motivate yourself everyday using self talk Learning to Motivate yourself is not as hard as you think. Self talk, when used correctly, makes it super easy to motivate yourself with little to no hard work. If you've been wondering...
  Who is Samantha StudebakerCarl? Samantha is a Blogger, Personal Development Coach, founder of the Mindset Mastery Collective community and co-host of the Saturday Morning Mastermind. She's passionate about helping you overcome your limiting beliefs and live the life you've always...
Hello there! Thank you for visiting our page! It has truly been such an Honor to participate in the Saturday Morning Mastermind! Who knew that we would still be doing it after all these years! My life has certainly changed!...
sandy root

Sandy Root – Gratituder

Hi! I’m Sandy Root. I was born in Phoenix, AZ and soon after spent a brief time in St. Louis, MO, both before the time I could remember. So I consider myself mostly raised in Tampa, FL and New Jersey....

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