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Meet us here for the Saturday Morning Mastermind LIVE broadcast May 14th at 10am EST This week's topic: Chapter 20 of "Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao" by Wayne Dyer Give up learning and you will be...
Meet us here for the Saturday Morning Mastermind LIVE broadcast May 7th at 10am EST This week's topic: Chapter 19 of "Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao" by Wayne Dyer Do you know what it takes to be...
Meet us here for the Saturday Morning Mastermind LIVE broadcast April 30th at 10am EST This week's topic: Chapter 18 of "Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao" by Wayne Dyer Living without Rules; Rules, Rules and more Rules......
Meet us here for the Saturday Morning Mastermind LIVE broadcast April 23rd at 10am EST This week's topic: Chapter 17 of "Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao" by Wayne Dyer Being an Enlightened Leader This 17th verse of...
Meet us here for the Saturday Morning Mastermind LIVE broadcast April 16th at 10am EST This week's topic: Chapter 16 of "Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao" by Wayne Dyer The Only Constant is Change I am personally...
Is it possible to live an unhurried life? Do you ever feel like your life is on a NASCAR speedway...Flying by you with looming catastrophe around every corner? You are not alone. With today's fast paced, immediate gratification culture most...
You CAN feel at peace any time you choose. Most of the time, you may not feel you have a choice. Life has a way of bombarding us with problems of all kinds and the people in our lives seem to control most situations. It may...
Do the opinions of others dictate your life? Should the opinions of others matter to us?  Is seeking favor or approval from others something we could imagine living without?  We all at some point in our lives worried about what...
Is the world trying to squash your inner vision? Do you allow your inner vision to guide you or do you experience the outside world with your senses to the point of loosing your inner direction? Does it feel as...
Hello Everyone! Welcome to this week's discussion topic "Living from the Void" from the book by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - Change your thoughts - Change your Life! Living the Wisdom of the Tao. "Thirty spokes converge upon a single...

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What does it really take to discover greatness in ourselves?

Discover greatness ... Meet us for the Saturday Morning Mastermind LIVE broadcast on ZOOM https://zoom.us/j/482624520 Aug 20th at 10am EST - This week's topic: Discover Greatness Chapter 34 of...