How to know your life truly has meaning:Tao Te Ching verse 54

Tao Te Ching verse 54: Living as if your life makes a difference

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast Jan 28th 2017: This week’s topic: Living as if your life makes a difference Chapter 54 of “Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao” by Wayne Dyer
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How to live your life knowing you make a difference. 

What do you think Tao Te Ching verse 54 is saying?

In the chapter, Wayne tells us…

 “See your role in the transformation of the planet. Instead of perceiving yourself as one insignificant individual among billions of people, you’re urged to to see yourself as the Tao itself.”

“It’s said that when a butterfly flaps its wings, that energy flows thousands of miles away. Therefore, everything you think and do extends outward and multiplies.”

“Live your life knowing that the difference you choose to make is toward wholeness, not destructiveness. Even if no one sees or acknowledges it, an act of unkindness contains energy that impacts our entire universe. And a silent blessing or thought of love toward others contains a vibration that will be felt throughout the cosmos.”


Listen in on our discussion this week and share your thoughts and insights in the comment section below…

Mentioned in this video… Manifest your best life webinar from Neale Donald Walsch


Tao Te Ching verse 54Want to discuss these verses with us LIVE? Join us weekly on Saturday mornings at 10am EST, 7am PT to continue the discussion for our Saturday Morning Mastermind study of “Change your thoughts, change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao” by Wayne Dyer

Go here for details on how to join our LIVE ZoomCast

Hope to see you there!!!

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