Why you should see all of creation as yourself: Tao Te Ching verse 53

Living Honorably: Tao Te Ching verse 53

Saturday Morning Mastermind broadcast Jan 21st 2017: This week’s topic: Living Honorably Chapter 53 of “Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao” by Wayne Dyer
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Tao Te Ching verse 53 invites you to change the way you look at everything in the world.

At the beginning of the chapter Wayne says…

Imagine that you were able to view the world from a position of complete honor and oneness: Everywhere you looked you saw the Great Way… and saw all of it as You.

From this perspective, every person who’s ever existed, or will ever exist, is a part of you, birthed by your Source.

All of life- the creatures, the land, the oceans, and the vegetation- are all connected by the Tao. From this perspective, your world would change dramatically.

If you saw all of creation as a part of you, as if every part was just another expression of one aspect of yourself,  how would you treat the people in your life differently? How would you treat the environment differently? How would you react to the different situations that come up in your life if everything is actually caused by some aspect of you?

Listen in on our discussion this week and share your thoughts and insights in the comment section below…

tao te ching verse 53Want to discuss these verses with us LIVE? Join us weekly on Saturday mornings at 10am EST, 7am PT to continue the discussion for our Saturday Morning Mastermind study of “Change your thoughts, change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao” by Wayne Dyer

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Hope to see you there!!!

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