Tao Te Ching verse 28 – Living Virtuously


Tao Te Ching verse 28

Meet us here for the Saturday Morning Mastermind LIVE broadcast
July 9th at 10am EST – This week’s topic: Living Virtuously
 Chapter 28 of “Change your thoughts, Change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao” by Wayne Dyer

Know the strength of man, but keep a woman’s care

Tao Te Ching Verse 28 begins with balanced rumination, on the masculine and feminine, in a sort of general reference which seems to describe both strong points of yin and yang, strength and care.

Be a valley under heaven, if you do, the constant virtue will not fade away.

To me this means to be a receptacle of virtuous action. Known as The Way, it presents itself as the right way to go or be…

Know the white, keep to the black, and be the pattern of the world.

It’s to remain in the path of constant virtue, “and to return again to the infinite“.

“One who understands splendor while holding to humility, acts in accord with eternal Power.”

“To be the fountain of the world is to live the abundant life of virtue”

I think equates to being in touch with one’s own inner source, to find the right way in life.

“When the unformed becomes formed into objects, it’s original qualities are lost. If you preserve your original qualities you can govern anything. Truly, the best governor governs least”

These wonderful aphorisms are old and still ring as true today as when they were penned, and the level of truth being very deep. I’m not sure we can always translate them to our modern day experience, but we can do our best to extract these pearls of truth left by Lao Tzu to help show The Way.

This week in on the Saturday Morning mastermind we will share in a comfortable online environment what we feel about this verse or how we feel it relates to us & how we understand it. Please come join our comfortable small group in sharing your own ideas as we explore the beauty of Friendship, and the wisdom of this profound & comforting literature.

Tao Te Ching verse 28What do you think?

Join us this Saturday July 9th at 10am EST, 7am PT for week 30 of our Saturday Morning Mastermind study of “Change your thoughts, change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao” by Wayne Dyer

We’ll be discussing Chapter 28: Living Virtuously Tao Te Ching verse 28

Need a copy of the book? Get one for as little as $6.95 plus s&h by visiting this link *http://goo.gl/L7ZnO2
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