Feel the void and discover what’s at the hub of your being.

Feel the Void: Tao Te Ching verse 11 week 13 Saturday Morning Mastermind


Hello Everyone! Welcome to this week’s discussion topic “Living from the Void” from the book by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer – Change your thoughts – Change your Life! Living the Wisdom of the Tao.

“Thirty spokes converge upon a single hub; it is on the hole in the center that the use of the cart hinges”

Feel the void: What makes a puzzle come alive?

What makes up a puzzle and what make it whole?

When we look at the layout at the start of a puzzle, we can see all the different pieces scattered about on the empty surface that you’re using.  The pieces really don’t mean anything unless they’re fitted together, but it wouldn’t be a puzzle if they didn’t come apart either.

This is what makes the puzzle come alive and reveal the fullness of what it’s about.

It’s like the hub of a wheel having all the spokes converging to come together to make the wheel useful. So to sum up this first part of the verse- separated parts (pieces) lack the usefulness that the whole contributes.

“Shape clay into a vessel; it is the space within that makes it useful.”

Feel the void: What makes a person, a person?

So to carry this thought further, we are all made up of pieces, but in this case our pieces are the bones that make the framework of that which make us well, US!

We all have bones, organs, and rivers of fluid that are encapsulated by a huge sheet of skin that is molded to hold us together. When we bring all the parts together, what is it that  makes us, us really and truly?

I believe that it’s the essence that’s breathed into us. If we didn’t have that void, or the space available within us to put our brain, our organs, and the essence of who we are, how would we function and think?


Feel the void: What makes music so beautiful?

In the book, Dr. Dyer once had a composer tell him “The silence from which each note emerges is more important than the note itself” Why is this?

Without the spacing of the notes, all you would have is a run of notes. The music wouldn’t be the beautiful different pieces of music we have available to us today. Without the space between the notes, you would have only chaos!


Feel the Void: Experience the space within yourself

In the book, it is also suggests that we look inside our own selves to see our empty space that’s filled up with who we are. It suggests that we take time to sit down, cut out all the distractions, and listen to the  nonbeingness of our bodies. It says to let it flow and just allow things to come to us. Don’t force any thoughts. Simply, let the pure love activate our unique usefulness by feeling the void inside.

In closing, let’s slow down and take time to really, get to know ourselves better. Try to go to your ‘placeless place’ (The center of your being, that is covered by by our shell which keep us together) and learn how to flow invisibly through your physical being.

This is the purpose of learning to meditate and being in the silence. Invite your essence to reveal itself. Allow yourself to feel the Void and experience the center of your heart.

Over to you, what do YOU think this verse is telling us about living from the void?

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This is week 13 of our Saturday Morning Mastermind study of “Change your thoughts Change your life” by Wayne Dyer

Read Chapter 11 – Living from the Void

Then Meet us here for a LIVE discussion March 12th at 10am EST


Read the verse and chapter 11 of Change Your Thoughts, Change your life then tell us what you think the Tao Te Ching is trying to teach us about feeling the void.

feel the void