3 simple life lessons you can learn from water

Simple Life Lessons: Tao Te Ching verse 8 week 10 Saturday Morning Mastermind


3 Simple life lessons water can teach you

I love simple life lessons! Don’t you?

Over the past few years it’s amazed me how many insights I’ve gained from simply observing nature.

The 8th verse of the Tao Te Ching talks about water and the many simple life lessons you can learn from it.

Here’s what I believe are the 3 most important life lessons you can learn from this verse of the Tao.

Simple life lessons number 1: Bless the world by just being you

“The supreme good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to.”

Be like water. Just flow. Just be YOU.

Water doesn’t work hard to take care of everyone. It simply flows.

Be the best version of you and everything and everyone will be taken care of too. You don’t have to try as hard as you think you do. Simply be you.

A river doesn’t try to care for all the creatures living in it or all the plants being nourished by it, it just happens because water is perfect, all on it’s own, just how it is. Just like you.

It doesn’t intend to provide sustenance to the animals and plants. It has no plans to irrigate the fields; to slake our thirst; or provide the opportunity to swim, sail, ski, and scuba dive. These are some of the benefits that come naturally from water simply doing what it does and being what it is. ~ Wayne Dyer from Change your thoughts, change you life

When you stop worrying so much about what you think you should be doing or how you think others expect you to be, and focus on just being the most amazing you you are capable of, everything else naturally falls into place.

Simple life lessons number 2: Treat everyone the same

Just like water has no prejudices, neither should you.  Water doesn’t care if you are the president of the United States or a blood sucking mosquito. It treats everyone and everything the same. It naturally gives to everyone equally.

Be careful not to assign yourself a place of importance above anyone else.

Be receptive to everyone. Make a special effort to have acceptance, gentleness, and kindness course through you to others.  ~ Wayne Dyer

Be like water. Just go with the flow. When you treat everyone the same, you create more harmony in your life and the lives of others.

Simple life lessons number 3: No matter where you are, YOU can make a difference

You can impact the world no matter what you do in your life.

Water is everywhere. It effects all things in all places.  From the lowest, deepest, darkest reaches of the earth to the highest top of the tallest mountain, it benefits everyone, sustains all things, and nurtures life everywhere it goes.

Where ever you find yourself, what ever job you do, you can positively influence the people and world around you.

Whether you clean bathrooms,  serve fast food, manage a 100 employees, or are a billionaire philanthropist, you can make a difference to the people you come in contact with everyday.

See yourself like water and naturally treat others in a life nourishing way and you’ll effortlessly be working to make the world a better place for all.

Over to you. What do you think? What other simple life lessons can you learn from water?

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This is week 10 of our Saturday Morning Mastermind study of “Change your thoughts Change your life” by Wayne Dyer

Read Chapter 8 – Living in the Flow

Then Meet us here for a LIVE discussion February 20th at 10am EST


Read the verse and chapter 8 of Change Your Thoughts, Change your life then tell us what simple life lessons the Tao Te Ching is trying to teach us about living in the flow.

simple life lessons

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