Do you REALLY want to make a change?

To change or not to change, you get to choose


Meet us here for a LIVE discussion Nov 14th at 10am EST

Where we’ll continue our discussion of What to Say when you talk to yourself by Shad Helmstetter with chapter 23 “To change or not to Change

Need a copy of the book? Get one for as little as $.01 plus s&h by visiting this link *
or here’s a link to the pdf version
*when you purchase the book through our link you’ll be supporting the Saturday Morning Mastermind and Mindset Mastery Collective. Thank You!

If you want to make a change in your beliefs, attitudes, emotions, behavior, actions or results, you should at the outset decide who is in command and who or what is in control of the changes that take place.

Change occurs either as a result of something outside of you that happens to you or as a result of something within yourself which causes the change to take place. You can’t control all outside circumstances, but you can control the what happens within you.

Throughout the book What to say when you talk to yourself by Shad Hemlstetter we have learned many different ways to take control of our inner dialog in order to create the attitudes and beliefs about ourselves that are necessary to create the change we want in our lives.

This week on the Saturday Morning Mastermind we’ll be talking about the results we’ve gotten over the past few months using these techniques and you can share yours too.

If you’ve been wondering whether changing your self talk is really the secret to making big changes in your life, listen in and join the discussion to find out.

Pre-Mastermind discussion…

(add your thoughts in the comment section at the end of this post)

Here’s some questions to get you started.

  • What has been your experience since we began this book?
  • How easy or difficult did you find it to implement the techniques from this book?
  • What was the biggest change you’ve made using these techniques?
  • What was the most important lesson you learned from this book?